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Boa Noite Amor Gifs Lindos

No matter how bad the day has been, go to bed with a positive attitude. Tomorrow will be a new day, and you will feel refreshed and ready for another battle. Good dreams, my dear. Good evening, dear. Tomorrow will be the third day. Relax your body so you can face new challenges and enjoy the joys that come with them.

Lovely images for wishing you a good night

That everyone who helps us be happy and have a wonderful night. Good night in the presence of God, who is illuminating you and releasing you from any evil or stifling thoughts. That our night be filled with light and abundant with God's blessings. As a result, we will be able to sleep in peace and tranquility.

I feel like I owe a âobrigadoâ to Him every morning and every night. A gratid£o obra de Deus tambm e isso an Ele tambm devo, mais tenho de sobra. My life path has been the most peaceful and joyful I could have imagined. That your night will be filled with light for the wonderful day that God has planned for you. Durma ainda muito bem!

Good evening. Thank you, God, for another day! I wish you a peaceful night and a restful sleep. And now, I want to agree and have my foras, faith, and courage renewed by your love. That grief heals our hearts, that love endures, that kindness reigns supreme, and that good things multiply. Good night, sleep well, and have pleasant dreams!

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