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Boa Noite Com Carinho De Deus Te Abençoe

always welcome, especially when it comes from someone important; hence, leave the night to someone who is more agitated, wishing them a good Friday night.

Abenoada noite de descanso... paz e tranquilidade... immensa gratid£o no cora£o... que possamos fortalecer a f e intensificar as esperanas... para cada um de n3s... muitas ben£os... muitas alegrias... realizaes e aprendidos nesta nova Hassan, Jared 10 options for sharing Cole£o adicionar Ver imagem â... for you a blessed night... tranquility... peace and serenity... strengthening your hopes for an amanhecer of joys... of happiness and victory... the end of the week approaching... may it be full of blessings and harmony! ❞ Jared Hassan has 29 shares. Cole£o adicionar Ver imagem

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