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Gn Say It Back Meme

This meme's spread is a prime example of something going viral because of its randomness and absurdity. The phrase "they did surgery on a grape" became a meme as people repeated it over and over. Some meme variations include clever jokes about doctors performing actual surgery on a grape, while others simply announce that the surgery took place. They performed surgery on a grape pic. twitter.com/ghXRzeOB2u November 24, 2018 sel (@sunlitjhs)

One-Word Answers

These types of texts are extremely difficult to interpret, owing to the fact that they are situational. If you ask them a question or say something that requires only a one-word response, don't be offended if they respond with a "K," "sure," or something else. However, if they only respond with a one-word text to everything you send, especially if you've just texted them a novel, it's likely that they're not interested. Don't try to force a conversation, just like with the emojis. If something is supposed to happen, it will.

Citadels of Bitcoin

A post from a self-proclaimed time traveler appeared in another Reddit thread back in 2013. With the Bitcoin Maxis, the traveler went viral. The traveler claimed that the world was in shambles as a result of Bitcoin's meteoric price rise. Only those who could afford a ticket to one of the Bitcoin Citadels were able to survive. As a result, whenever you hear of a Citadel in Crypto, it is a nod to the meme.

Memes are more than just amusement. If you've been on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter recently, you've probably noticed how popular memes have become. They now outnumber actual news in our newsfeeds. They can be political, satirical, comical, or pretty much anything you can think of, and they not only make us laugh, but they also have the ability to identify a common feeling, experience, or opinion. How many times have you seen a funny meme and thought to yourself, "That is so me?" And then you tagged your pal in the comments? Memes are popular cultural phenomenon because they are both personal and universal. To see what I mean, take a look at this list of relatable memes compiled by Bored Panda. You'll see that even seemingly harmless, funny memes can lead to more serious discussions.

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